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NSPL SOlution Advisor

NSPL Service Level Management

NSPL Service Level Management is necessary for any business so that the level of IT Service required to support the company can be defined, and monitoring can be started to recognize recognize whether the essential service levels are being obtained and if not, why not.

Service Level Agreements (SLA), which are managed through the SLM process, provide specific targets against which the performance of the IT organization can be judged.

NSPL Service Level Management benefits are:

  • IT services meant to meet Customer’s Demands
  • Improved relationships with satisfied Clients
  • Parties to SLAs and Underpinning Agreements have a clearer view of tasks and responsibilities, assisting to avoid potential errors or omissions
  • Specific targets to plan for and against which service quality can be regulated, controlled and reported
  • IT effort is concentrated on those areas that the Business thinks are key
  • IT and Clients have a clear and constant expectation of the level of service required
  • Service monitoring enables weak areas to be recognized so that remedial actions can be identified and undertaken where appropriate
  • Service monitoring enables the performance of suppliers (internal and external) to be assessed and maintained
  • SLAs can be utilized as a source for service charging and help explain the value for money Clients are receiving

Benefits of ITIL Service Level Management

Efficient SLM can produce significant financial savings by managing improvements in service quality and decreasing service disruption. This should lead to less time and effort being spent by IT staff in solving failures. Clients and users should be able to perform their business roles with much less disturbance caused by IT service issues.

Over time there should be changes in service quality and an overall decline in the value of service provision, so Service Level Management should be high on the list of things to get right!